High Stakes & Tight Deadlines Result in Exceptional Impact for GE in Egypt

Sometimes, dreams come true. When a Fortune 500 giant approached us to make a video announcing their partnership with the country of Egypt, we said “Absolutely!” When they asked if we could do it in three weeks? We said “We’ll do it in two.”

General Electric faced a tight deadline when announcing their new partnership with Egypt. Facing a timeline other video companies might say is impossible, we stepped in and delivered not just on time, but a full week early! The result? A show-stopping culturally resonant video that showcased the potential of their joint venture and left their audience with a relevant understanding of their brand’s value.

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Precision in Every Frame

The video was more than an announcement; it was a narrative that echoed the technological empowerment of millions! With only two weeks to tell such an important story, we quickly focused on their core message, ensuring that every second of the video conveyed the intended impact without any dilution.

Culturally Attuned, Impactful Messaging

Understanding and incorporating cultural nuances was crucial for the success of GE’s video. Explainify meticulously crafted a message that seamlessly aligned with the expectations and sensibilities of the Egyptian audience, facilitating a meaningful connection. The finished video demonstrates our expertise in delivering a narrative that transcends borders with sensitivity, finesse, and a whole lot of impact.

“It could have been done in a way that was offensive but it wasn’t. It took into account cultural sensitivities and that was brilliant. This is great work. You guys really delivered!”
–GE’s Executive Lead, Global Public Relations

The Bottom Line: A Client Beyond Satisfied

The video’s reception by GE was a testament to Explainify’s ability to connect, communicate, and win hearts and minds – even under the most pressing deadlines. GE’s immediate recognition of the video’s quality and impact led to plans for future collaboration.

What Sets Explainify Apart in the Video Marketing Landscape?

Our devotion to:

Brand Mastery: We dive deep into the essence of your brand, guaranteeing videos that authentically embody your vision.

Content that Converts: Our video producers are experts at crafting important ideas into engaging narratives that resonate with viewers on an emotional level.

Your Satisfaction: Our ethos is grounded in going above and beyond to ensure every video not only meets but exceeds your expectations. All of our work is backed by a satisfaction guarantee that stands as a cornerstone of our service. 

The Explainify Promise: Clarity and Impact – Guaranteed!

Let this case be your inspiration! If GE’s success story sparks a vision for what your company could achieve with the right storytelling partner, Explainify is ready to turn that vision into reality. When the deadline is tight and the stakes are high, we’re the team that will deliver — not just on time, but with results that resonate and drive action. Get in touch today for a no-obligation conversation on how Explainify can help your brand connect with unmatched clarity!
